Expert witnesses have an enormous impact on family court matters. As a result, it's hugely important to get the right expert for your matter. It's particularly important in places like Busselton and Margaret River, where it's important that the expert has an understanding of the area.

In property matters, experts can give advice about valuing assets like homes, businesses, and trusts. Experts can conduct forensic investigation of transactions between related entities or trace assets to determine the size of a property pool.
In children’s matters, experts can provide advice on health and welfare issues as well risks (like family violence). In children’s matters, the court will often appoint a single expert witness to review an entire matter and make recommendations for the resolution. Courts often use the single expert as a means of avoiding a time-consuming, costly and stressful trial. As a result, single experts hold an enormously important position. Engaging and instructing a single expert is a really significant step.
If you are involved in court proceedings and would like help in engaging, dealing with or responding to the recommendations of an expert in the proceedings please call us on 0474112316.